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normal_post - K2 - متا نویسنده موضوع: K2  (دفعات بازدید: 1149 بار)

0 کاربر و 1 مهمان درحال دیدن موضوع.

آفلاین کـوکـبـی

  • هیات موسس
  • *****
  • index - K2 - متا
  • تعداد ارسال: 2.931
  • متا امتیاز 2257983 تومان
  • لیست کدهای من
  • تشکر و اهداء امتیاز به کـوکـبـی
  • رای برای مدیریت : 61
  • انسان شکست نمی خورد بلکه دست از تلاش بر می دارد
  • تخصص: کارآفرین
  • استان / شهر: البرز
  • سپاس شده از ایشان: 410
  • سپاس کرده از دیگران: 588
xx - K2 - متا
« : ۱۷ آذر ۱۳۹۲ - ۱۳:۲۰:۰۳ »

5517 - K2 - متا

jed_status_popular - K2 - متا ext_com - K2 - متا ext_plugin - K2 - متا ext_mod - K2 - متا

License :  GPLv2 or later  Non-Commercial

K2 provides an out-of-the box integrated solution featuring rich content forms for items (think of Joomla! articles with additional fields for article images, videos, image galleries and attachments), nested-level categories, tags, comments, a system to extend the item base form with additional fields (similar to CCK for those acquainted with Drupal), a powerful plugin API to extend item, category and user forms, ACL, frontend editing, sub-templates & a lot more!

Using K2, you can transform your Joomla! website to a news/magazine site with author blogs, product catalogs, work portfolio, knowledge base, download/document manager, directory listing, event listing & more, all this bundled under one package!

Give K2 a try & you'll instantly love it! It's easy to use and fun to develop websites with! If you need any help or want to contribute to the project, join us at the K2 community.

Since K2 is extensible with additional fields to its base item form, you can easily create category-specific content types, e.g. article, blog post, product page, directory listing.

K2 offers as standard:
- nested-level categories (no section/category restrictions)
- commenting, integrated with Google's reCaptcha & Akismet
- tags
- item image (useful for articles/catalogs)
- image galleries
- videos
- attachments
- user pages (author blogs/user profiles)
- smart ACL for frontend editing
- unique plugin system to extend item, category & user forms
- ajax-based frontend editing
- ajax-based comments moderation
- Google AJAX Search integration
- Rest-like JSON/JSONP content output
- Native advanced SEF options (added in K2 v2.6.4+)

K2 fully supports the Joomla! API, which means all Joomla! plugins will function properly within the K2 component & modules, either in the frontend or backend.

ImpactWrestling.com, NewsBomb.gr, Gorillaz.com, Groupama Transport, Harvard, the High Court of Australia, MTV Greece, Jaguar Greece are just some of the thousand "big sites" around the world, fully powered by K2.

To utilize the built-in video & gallery features you need to install AllVideos (free) & Simple Image Gallery Pro, both provided by JoomlaWorks.

K2 is developed by JoomlaWorks & licensed under the GNU/GPL license.

Try K2! Install it, hit the "import" button to bring your Joomla! articles inside K2, start playing with the component to see the flexibility it provides first-hand. Moreover? You no longer need a dozen of components & even more modules to do things like run a news site or a blog. Drupal & Wordpress have certainly met their match now!

Linkback: https://irmeta.com/meta/b2460/t16588/
از قوانین ساده من:
قبل از هر اقدام، یک تصویر سازی مثبت در ذهن، معجزه گر است.
نمی خواهم در مورد هیچ کس قضاوتی بکنم و آنرا در این دنیا به قضات و در آن دنیا به خدا وا می گذارم.

آموخته ام که به هر چه یقین داشته باشی واقع خواهد شد و این همان ایمان من است ... و ...
And slowly, you come to realize... It's all as it should be...

نردبان این جهان ما و منیست....عاقبت این نردبان افتادنیست لاجرم هر کس که بالاتر نشست....استخوانش سخت تر خواهد شکست (مولانا)

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