Day blindness man sitting on the stairs and cap construction and monitoring board on the side was placed on the panel was called:
I am blind, please help. smart
journalist passed near him threw him a look only a few coins into the hat was Check. He threw a few coins into the hat without permission from the blind man picked up his board to take it back and another on notice boards and wrote next to put his foot and left there. Day afternoon to place day-mails back and found a hat full of coins blind man and bills have been blind man steps from his voice and the reporter asked if he recognized the person who wrote the panel to tell it, whereupon What is written?
journalist answered: what was important and special, I just post that you wrote otherwise, and smiled and continued on its way. Never blind man must be what she has written on the board but he was called:
Today's spring, but I can not see it !!!!!When your job can not change their strategy to take before you'll give the best possible you will believe any change is the best thing in life.
For everything you do even the smallest of the heart, mind, soul and intelligence source has let this